“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.”
Monday, June 18, 2007
Kudos To Police
I want to give my kudos to police across the world. Today it was announced on Yahoo that they have shut down another pedophile ring. 700 people were arrested this time and 31 children rescued. This is ridiculous. Okay first of all what the attraction is to a child, in this case some only a few months old, is beyond me. How you can call yourself a human and do something like that makes me sick. Second, you see all these people getting caught. Dateline and sting operations all over the place. Give up the addiction and move on. Why would you risk your entire life to view something so vile? I am glad that authorities seem to be taking this so serious and that another large band of these creeps are off the Internet. This is a disease that we need to stamp out. Castrate...that's my fix all for it. Castrate them it would make life so much easier. Tattoo their forehead with something along the lines of "I'm a sick creep watch me around your children." Or even better put them on a big island out in the middle of nowhere and let them decide who is the man and who is the woman. That may solve the issue right there! They are so bold and do this sick stuff behind closed doors let them parade around and let the world see how sick they really are. This is why no one trusts anyone anymore. This is why our children have to play indoors and can't experience the joy of walking home from school or climbing the tree out front. No, they have to be watched constantly for fear someone will snatch them up. I pray that one day this issue will be completely eradicated and will no longer be a problem. I don't see that happening any day soon, because you get rid of one creep or three hundred of them and there are still thousands more where that one came from. To view the whole story please visit Yahoo. One final note...let these jerks come near my kid and they won't have to worry about being locked up..I will take care of it the old way...good old fashion way!
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