So, as I am sure everyone has heard. Lindsay Lohan has been arrested again! Okay now I don't care about the details, I don't even care what she has been arrested for. What I am worried about is that this has become national news. Why is this dominating my news today? Do I care what is going on in a spoiled starlets life? No, not really. Is this going to effect my life or the life of my child in the long run? Highly doubtful. I think that it is pretty sad that in today's society the disgusting life habits of the rich and famous is that important of a news story that everyone has to hear about it. When Paris Hilton was arrested it dominated the news for weeks. I don't like these girls that much to even care what they are doing but yet I am forced to watch their pathetic lives unfold on my television screen on the nightly news. I tune into nightly news for several reasons but this fails to capture my attention. Here is my theory why this occurs:
1. They have more money than they know what to do with. More money does not equal happiness and for these girls in particular it is obvious that money doesn't solve all problems.
2. They are hounded day in and day out for nothing. They have no reasonable talent that I can see, no reason for being famous. Actors and actresses with more talent in one finger than these girls have in their whole bodies are hounded less. I think the stress of always having to appear "Hot" is too much for these girls to take (I have a whole other theory on this as well).
3. They have no responsible parental figure to guide them along through their lives. If my mother saw me drinking myself into a stupor, no matter what my age, she would damn well put a stop to it. I can tell you, not from experience myself :), but I can tell you my mother would not allow me to be taken down so shameful.
4. Their self worth images are destroyed. Most women, the ones that have a good sense of self and have high esteem and respect for themselves, would not be seen doing half of what these girls do.
5. They have found that using their bodies gets them a good result, therefore diminishing their self worth. It is a vicious cycle. For example: Girl finds that if she shows a little body men react positively, Girl shows her body off, Girl realizes that men expect her to always show her body, Girl no longer wants to play this role, men stop looking or reacting positively to the new Girl, she notices the difference and shows a little body...cycle occurs again. It is a sad and vicious cycle that the girl is left with little recourse, especially girls that are used to being in the lime light and like being the center of attention...they feel they must stay there!
6. They are used to the fast life. Things are practically thrown at them. They need their lives to keep moving all the time, never knowing the value of a day's rest. This means that when their lives are not moving so quickly they must speed it up somehow...enter the drugs.
Put all of these factors into play together and what you have is a very unstable existence. Their livelihood and lives in general depend upon their looks, it is sad that that is what they base their worth on. As long as they party hard, look pretty, and show a little body they will continue to dominate our press and photographers will flock to them. These girls chose this life...they are famous for nothing but for their choices no matter what those choices may be. Paris was born wealthy, that no one would doubt, but she could have quietly went about her life and no one would never have known the difference. What does she do that is that great to begin with? Is she using her life for the betterment of her fellow humans? Is she benefiting those less fortunate? Is she a regular saint hiding under her fake eyelashes and pretty dresses? I want to hear about people trying to better the world not drinking themselves into regular idiots. I don't think I am alone in my thoughts about this. I think a lot of people are paying less attention to these types of famous people and focusing more on the ones that better our world. The lives of our fellow humans is becoming a stronger pull than the partying life of drunkards and druggies. We are caring less and less about the wardrobe of our celebrities and more about their service to this world. Even our own lives are changing to reflect this new concern for our world and fellow human beings.

Like the generations before us, we are becoming more united on our different fronts. There are more and more families going green (I have been a vegan for many years myself). I drive a hybrid car when I have to drive somewhere, I wash my clothes in cold water and air dry them, I raise my child on as little meat as possible but what I do give him is bought from a butcher and contains no preservatives. I don't feed my child any foods that are not natural. I also watch little TV and allow him the same. His addiction is the video games which I try hard to control. I believe in spending as little times indoors as possible. All these things are on the rise and with so much effort being made in bettering our world these kinds of starlets are finding a smaller and smaller audience. There is a change in the world that is starting and you will find in just a few years we are going to be a much healthier world. We are going to be focusing more on our environment and less on our technology. We are going to be focused more on bettering our children and less on the exploits of the rich and famous of this world. What I would like to see is more pay being given to teachers, solders, police officers, the people who deserve more pay for what they do and less pay being given to those who don't deserve it. Paris Hiltons, Lindsay Lohans need to be stopped. We need to stop feeding into their self destruction and feed our minds and souls more. It is sad but it is a reality of our world that needs to change. Our focus needs to come back down to Earth. We need to stop focusing on those things that take us from our families and focus more on the betterment of our selves.

I don't want to be wealthy, I want enough only to pay my bills. I don't want to be famous I love the anonymity of my life. I don't want to have hordes of fans and I don't want my life splashed on every page of the daily news. I want to be free to wear sweats and a raggedy T-shirt if that is what I feel like wearing. My self worth is an inner beauty that I share with no one. I don't have to be perfect on the outside I do however have to push myself to be the best human as possible. It is my duty as a human to share what good fortunes I have been lucky to have with someone who has less that I do. I may not have much but I am fortunate. I have health, I have a healthy child, I have a good family, I have the right to come and go as I please, I live in a free country...these are things that most people on this planet cannot say. I have clean drinking water..this simple little thing so many people have to do without. I am not sure what I will become and I am not sure where our country will be but I know that as the future comes I will mentally be prepared for what I have to face.
I worry about this country. People always find it funny, my friends used to rip on me quite a bit, I am a heavy metal fan. I believe I will fall in love with a man that does something along the lines of construction...but yet I am fascinated by politics. I pay attention what is going on. I am not someone you would think would pay much attention. I am a registered voter and take that role very seriously. I follow candidates and vote for the one with the best stance on issues that will effect me and my children. Me and my father have similar views on the war and fight my mom constantly about it. I back the war fully. No, I don't want to see our solders dying. No, I don't want any one's son or daughter to be killed. But the solders are there for a reason. That is their job, risks and all. And no matter what anyone says it is keeping the fighting there and not in my backyard. Terrorists are just that TERRORists...they will come here! That is a guarantee. I don't want to see that happen anymore than anyone else. We need to realize that. Okay enough with my political rantings...I need to get going. Thanks to all my readers...happy reading and good luck with whatever dream your heart holds dear!!
1 comment:
this is really a good effort. please keep it up and give refreshing news.
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