Okay so I am not too proud of what I am about to write but here it goes. Recently I have gotten into reading romance novels. And not just any romance novels but the kind that are historical and raunchy. Not too sure why but I have. And I think it has become a sort of addiction for me. I wonder if anyone else has experieneced this phenomenon? I am sure that I am not alone. I picked one up for a bit of light reading. I typically read deap philisophical novels. You know the kind that make your brain work, but I wanted something I could breeze through and not have to think to hard in the process. Well now three months later and 65 books under my belt and I am addicted. I can't get enough of their storylines. Am I odd? I mean to be honest they are like lady porn. It is crazy really. I have always concidered myself a romantic person by nature but this is ridiculous. I find myself staying up WAY too late reading them, I can't seem to put them down. Maybe it is my own lack of personal romance that is driving me to read them, I don't know but I do know that I find them fascinating.

So here's the deal I want to try my hands at one. I want to write my own romance novel. Here's the thing I don't know where to begin. I don't know how much effort goes into writing one of these books. Do I really need to do some major research or can I just write what I think should happen? I don't know anyone who reads these books that are really deep historians so I can't really ask someone their opinion. So I come to you all with a plea....where should I begin? Should I use a pen name? I have never really thought of what I would call myself if I had chosen my own name. It is an interesting concept changing my identity for the sake of a book. I like it. It makes the writer mysterious. It also ties me to a past. A deep history or women writers changing their names. Granted the women that have gone before had to to be taken seriously but still it is a fascinating thing. I don't expect to write the next great American novel, although that was my senior prediction years ago when I left that sheltered world called High School. I just want something that I can show people and say "See I wrote this." Call me vane I don't care but I want some woman somewhere finding her heart enlightened about my story of love. I have a story line in my head but have not written anything down as of yet. The other thing is the era in which I am going to write spoke a much more complicated version of our language. Do I use that form of English or my own? Not too sure. Also where direction do I take to get this thing published? How do I know where to go once I have it written? Anyone that could help lead me in the right direction I would be eternally in debt to you.

Hello. I too am writing a novel. But its about vampires... :)
Its a process. I have 1800 words and still have like so many more to go. A novel should be between 20,000 - 60,000 words. But I would suggest go to https://www.eharlequin.com/articlepage.html?articleId=538&chapter=0
since your into writing a romance. To me I think if you want to write something in that era it would be nice to do some research during that period. Certain towns or whatever. And just start. Like.. One afternoon, While gathering my, Looking towards, but then it deoends on what kind of view your talking about.
Sorry, I love writing. I had to do my research and am still learning.
If you like to chat I am on aol. Just leave me a comment!
Take care a good luck.
Oh yeah I saw your blog thru one of the forums. Glad I stopped by. !!
It's definately something you should do. Its just a matter of deciding to do it. Sometimes, you just have to just sit down and write, write, write no matter how hard it is until you spot something in your own writing that catches your eye. But the only advice I can give is to go to a book store or a library and look for books on writing Romance Novels or just novels in general. If I'm looking for something specialized such as writing a romance novel, I find it's easier to go on amazon.com and find a book at an affordable price. But that's all I know.
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