- Smell your baby as often as possible. One day that sweet baby scent will pass and will be replaced with "man" smells you can't even identify.
- Say yes more than no, it makes life easier and lets your child know where you stand.
- Laugh. Laugh often and with all your heart and soul. It will help you get through finger painted walls and poop covered babies!
- Don't sweat the little things.
- Eat your green vegetables. Remember children learn better from your actions than your words.
- Kiss them. Kiss them often because one day it will be "uncool" to be kissed by a parent.
- Hold their hand, it calms both of your nerves on the first day of Kindergarten.
- Laugh with them, cry with them, and rant with them. Basically be with them.
- Realize that they are human beings with feelings, thoughts, and opinions that may not always match yours but are important none the less.
- Sing to them. Your child will not care that your voice cracks or you can't carry a tune. It soothes them just the same.
- Remember that your main job is so crucial because the choices you make today will develop into the adults of tomorrow. Besides they will one day be taking care of you.
- Protecting your child has become so crucial. They are never too young to learn about stranger danger. You will not destroy their fragile minds with fear but prepare them just in case!
- Don't be concerned with milk mustaches and grass stains, it is the heart inside that has to remain untainted.
- Nurture their minds as well as their bodies, neither can function properly without the other!
- Imaginations are glorious. They save us from our stress and help us reach for the stars.
- The first time your child says "I love you" wipe away the tear and know that toddlers don't know to lie!
- Believe your child. Believe in them.
- If your child has an imaginary friend, know that the new friend is there to stay for awhile.
- Powder their buns, you will be surprised how much joy this brings you.
- When your child asks why, answer it. Their curiosity is a natural part of growing up! And your parents will never let you forget your why stage!
- Stop. Stop and smell the roses, stop and watch the line of ants cross the sidewalk, stop and smell a dandelion, or any of the other new wonders your child finds. You will rediscover what it means to be a child!
- Watch cartoons. Watch them even if your child is asleep...they are funny and who could possibly be grumpy with Spongebob?
- If your child walks at 13 months instead of the average 11 months, don't worry, all children progress at their own rate! They will be just fine!
- Let them have finger paints, play doh, and volcano sets. Sure their messy but who said you can't play with them?
- Have a food fight. There is nothing that says I love you quite like mashed potatoes in the hair!
- If your two year old tells you to close your eyes and stick out your hand....PEEK! For God's sake peek!
- Yes that smell IS from their diaper and yes the old man next to you DOES think he did it!!
- Cheerios up the nose is not reason enough to call your doctor at 5:00 am on a Sunday. Squeeze their nose and those suckers will pop right out!
- Fruity Pebbles in curly hair is a nightmare. Take the soft bristled vacuum extension and they will come out just fine. DO NOT PUT THE CHILD IN THE TUB, they will come out looking like they bathed in Kool-Aid!
- Tickle your baby, their laugh is so contagious.
- When you child goes off to Kindergarten it IS ok to circle around the block and peek in the window...they will see you and get mad...but we all do it!
- Don't be afraid of making a mistake, they make you human and your child will appreciate the honesty.
- If the hamster dies be honest. Hold a funeral and move on. DO NOT buy an identical hamster. Not only will the 21 pet store owners think you are insane but your child will know that "Butch" is not Butch when she has babies!!
- And last but not least...know that every step you take leads to the ultimate satisfaction of seeing your child bloom into a wondrous adult. Besides all the tears will be paid back when you get grand kids!!
If you have any to add feel free!! Have a great holiday weekend (three days off!!) and enjoy!
Very nice blog and good words of wisdom!
I think that is all true and very well written. As soon as I can figure out how to do it, and with your permission... I would like to add a link to it on my blog in progress.
By all means you can link it no big deal! Thanks for the comment and visit often.
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