We have come so far in this nation, or so I thought, with the mixing of the races. I harbor no prejudice whatsoever, having been the mother of an interracial child for seven years now, and see the idiotic tendencies of my own race. I hate that people are still viewed in such a way. Here is the story that started me thinking today:
BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- The Boise State running back who scored the winning points in the Fiesta Bowl, then proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend on national television, says he has hired security for their wedding because of racial threats.
Ian Johnson, who is black, and Chrissy Popadics, who is white, are due to be married Saturday in Boise.
Since his Jan. 1 proposal, Johnson said, he has received phone calls, letters and some personal threats from people who object to their marriage plans.
"You take it for what it is -- the less educated, the less willing to change," Johnson, 21, of San Dimas, Calif., told the Idaho Statesman for its Tuesday editions. "But we're not acting like we're naive to all the stuff that's going on. We know what's been said. We're going to make sure we're safe at all times. It's an amazing day for us, and we'd hate to have it ruined by someone."
"It's really sad because a lot of people that are probably doing it are the same people who were cheering me on," Johnson said.
A Boise State football spokesman, Todd Miles, said Tuesday that Johnson hoped to put the matter behind him and did not want to discuss it further. Popadics' family said she was not available.

I really despise this kind of story for many reasons but the main one is that humans are so quick to pass judgement upon other human beings. It is the sad reality of life, I suppose, but not one I am willing to settle for. Prejudice comes in all forms, including but not solely, race. This man is obviously a college educated man with a good career ahead of him, but does that matter? No, to the white trash (passing my own judgement here I suppose) they would prefer this girl to have instead fell in love with some poor white schmuck who would beat her everyday. Now I say this not to pass along my own judgement but to instead make a point. White supremacist groups fail to realize that there are horrible white guys that would rather beat their wives than love them just the same as there are sweet black guys that will honor the ground their wives walk on. I have often thought about this. What is it about a different skin tone that unnerves so many people? How sick of a world do we live in that a couple cannot be happy? How sick is it that we fail to see the joy that is love? That love doesn't see color or boundaries? I wonder what these people would think if they were in those shoes. How would they feel if someone wrote them hate mail because how dare some skin head marry a sweet girl? And then these people have the audacity to breed, leaving their hate filled messages for another generation as well. It is pathetic.

Being from the North and moving to the South I have had to deal with my fair share of idiotic remarks. For one, I hate the term Yankee. I have been called that I don't know how many times and it really grinds on my nerves. HELLO...you lost the war....it was over 100 years ago...move on people! The other thing that shocked me was we have rednecks in Ohio...yes that is true...but NOTHING like what they have down here. It is actually kind of funny. They have the confederate flag flying from their huge trucks while their two hound dogs pace impatiently in the back...never fails...that is what you see. And as if that wasn't enough most of them have a total of possibly one good tooth. They make me despise my own race. As I sit behind them, choking on the exhaust from their massive machine, I always say a silent prayer thanking God that I was born to the family I was. What I would like to see is an uprising of those who will no longer tolerate this behavior. I want to start a group that is against white trash. White people for the betterment of our own race. I will no longer allow my race to be infiltrated and diminished in the least by scum. That is the movement I could back! Forget the color of your skin...I could care the less...I want to know how many teeth you have, how many hound dogs you own, and have you ever uttered a phrase in a dialect no one can even pretend to understand. That is what I want. I want people to focus more on the betterment of our race by providing simple instruction on hygiene, culture, and the reason why living in this country is so great is because we are the melting pot of the world. I love the fact that I can step out my door in the morning and see the different cultures I am so blessed to live by. I love that the woman across the street practices Buddhism (I don't think I spelled that right but you get the point), I love the fact that the interracial couple on the side of me celebrate Kwanzaa instead of Christmas. You have to love the fact your children are going to grow up knowing cultures other than our own. And if these people haven't noticed there is no "American" culture...we are the products of the different races and cultures coming together as one.

Now I don't think I am better than anyone. I don't think my views are the right views. They are the views that work for me, but I will tell you this much...I will NEVER EVER understand the whole redneck pride thing. Why would anyone be proud of seeming uneducated, under cultured, with a massive lack of personal hygiene? Why is that appealing to them? I suppose I just don't get it, but I do look forward to the day when a black woman will win the presidency. When my child will not have to feel ashamed of his heritage but instead, as I strive to teach him, embrace his ancestors as people who fought against all odds to come out on top. I want my son to take a sort of ownership in his race. I want him to make something of himself, not only to better his own existence, but to justify and make good the fight that those before him fought so hard. Take control and own the rights that so many died trying to give you. Much like women's suffrage and my own views on what I am as a woman. I want him to understand that his race suffered deeply to provide to him the opportunities he is now free to pursue. No matter who he falls in love with, white or black or pink or green for that matter, I will cherish the fact and revel in the great fortune that is love. I believe, in my heart, that the white supremacists are a dying race. That the interracial children of this era will eradicate the hateful ignorance of them one day. I believe in my heart that we will become one race...colors all mingling to one shade of beauty...the human race!

More on the subject of how to raise your children to be more racial tolerate please visit PARENTS EDUCATION.
I agree with a lot of your views. In fact I had many such views and more than 10 years ago decided to do something about it, since I could no longer tolerate the intolerance in the U.S. I moved back to my country. Read my blog and discover some other ways in which the intolerance in America has been spread in another country.
I just love your blog.In spite of it all,racial bigotry will always exist,no matter how much the human heart progresses.
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